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Child Wasting in Emergency Pockets: A Meta-Analysis of Small-Scale Surveys from Ethiopia




Child undernutrition is a major public health concern in Ethiopia (stunting national prevalence: 44%; wasting: 10%), despite the overall improvement in child health status during the last decade. Hundreds of small-scale surveys are conducted in Ethiopia's emergency pockets under ENCU's supervision. We reviewed the evidence from small-scale surveys conducted between 2008 and 2013 with two objectives: to provide a summary estimate of wasting prevalence from emergency pockets and to examine reasons for variation in prevalence estimates. We created a dataset by combining data from the Complex Emergency Database, the Famine Early Warning System Network and the Armed Conflict Location Event Data. We conducted a meta-analysis of small-scale surveys using a random effects model with known within-study heterogeneity. The influence of survey covariates on estimated prevalence was investigated with meta-regression techniques. We included 158 surveys in the analysis. A high degree of heterogeneity among surveys was observed. The overall estimate of wasting prevalence was 10.6% (95% CI 9.8-11.4), with differences among regions and between residents and refugees. Meta-regression results showed that vaccination coverage, child mortality, diarrhea prevalence and food insecurity are significantly associated with wasting prevalence. Child care and displacement status were not. Aggregated analysis of small-scale surveys provides insights into the prevalence of wasting and factors explaining its variation. It can also guide survey planning towards areas with limited data availability.
机译:尽管最近十年儿童健康状况总体得到改善,儿童营养不良仍是埃塞俄比亚的主要公共卫生问题(全国普及率:44%;浪费:10%)。在ENCU的监督下,在埃塞俄比亚的紧急地区进行了数百次小型调查。我们回顾了从2008年至2013年进行的小规模调查的证据,其目的有两个:提供应急包中浪费率的汇总估计值,并检查发生率估计值变化的原因。我们通过组合来自复杂紧急情况数据库,饥荒预警系统网络和武装冲突位置事件数据的数据来创建数据集。我们使用已知的研究内异质性的随机效应模型对小规模调查进行了荟萃分析。使用meta回归技术调查了调查协变量对估计患病率的影响。我们在分析中包括158个调查。在调查之间观察到高度的异质性。浪费率的总体估计为10.6%(95%CI 9.8-11.4),各地区之间以及居民与难民之间存在差异。荟萃回归结果显示,疫苗接种率,儿童死亡率,腹泻患病率和粮食不安全状况与浪费率显着相关。育儿和流离失所状况并非如此。小规模调查的综合分析提供了对浪费发生率的了解以及解释其变化的因素。它还可以将调查计划引导到数据可用性有限的区域。



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